Friday, August 31, 2012

Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat Site -- Grailville Retreat Center

This October 5-7, the Antioch Writers' Workshop brings to you a Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat led by publishing professionals Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo at the beautiful, historic Grailville Retreat Center, Loveland, Ohio.

The 2012 Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat gives you a chance to get away and focus on your work-in-progress in an inspiring yet restful setting while receiving guidance from writing and publishing professionals. 

The retreat is designed for writers who have works of fiction (short stories or novels), poetry, or essay(s)/creative nonfiction either complete or in progress and who wish to focus on revising/completing this work and identifying next steps on their writing paths. 

The deadline to apply for the Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat is Monday, September 10, 2012. For application guidelines and more information about the Retreat, visit our website.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat Schedule

The Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat on October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio includes "small group discussions" and "one-on-one consultations" led by Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo. The direction of these discussions is designed with feedback from the participants. Participants will identify important topics for one-on-one consultations and small group discussions such as publishing, voice, research, or character development. Specifics will be determined using feedback from participants after selection but before the beginning of the retreat.
The schedule for the Weekend Writers' Retreat is as follows:
Monday, September 10, 2012
Application Deadline
Friday, October 5, 2012
6:00 p.m.--Arrive and check in at Grailville
7:00 p.m.--Ice breakers, creative writing exercises, wine, beverages and snacks provided; small group discussions and one-on-one consultations
Saturday, October 6, 2012
@8:30 a.m.--Breakfast delivered to your door! Write on your own in the inspiring setting of Grailville, drawing on the creativity starters and feedback received on Friday evening.
12:30 p.m.--Lunch provided
After lunch until dinner--small group discussions and one-on-one consultations
6:30 p.m.--Dinner provided
Post dinner--participant readings; small group discussions
Sunday, October 7, 2012
@8:30 a.m.--Breakfast delivered to your door! Write on your own, participate in small group discussions and one-on-one consultations
12:30 p.m.--Lunch and final group gathering
2:00 p.m.--Depart Grailville to return home and apply inspiration, motivation and momentum gained at retreat to your own work-in-progress!
The deadline to apply for the Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat is Monday, September 10, 2012. For application guidelines and more information about the Retreat, visit our website.

Monday, August 27, 2012

In Your Words: Reflections on 2012 AWW

This week, we bring you the reflections of two participants of the 2012 Antioch Writers Workshop.

On her blog, Rantings, Ramblings and Randomness, Lisa writes,

But what I think I loved most of all is the absolute sense of community – the encouragement, the understanding, and the acceptance that we were all writers and we were in this together. That is the beauty and the magic of the Antioch Writers’ Workshop." (more...)

 Saturday Seminar participant Marisa Becker reflects on her experience and some advice she took home with her on her blog,

I’ve fulfilled a teenage dream: I’ve attended the annual Antioch Writers’ Workshop – well, at least one day of it, but it was still a special occasion in my book." (more...)
Did you write about your experience at the 2012 Antioch Writers' Workshop on your blog? Send us an email to let us know, and we'll link to it on ours.

Also, don't forget to check out the Antioch Writers' Workshop Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat, October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat Leader -- Lynne Hugo

Lynne Hugo
Lynne Hugo

Meet Lynne Hugo, one of two leaders of the 2012 Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat on October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio. 

Lynne Hugo's publications include five novels, most recently Last Rights, one volume of creative non-fiction, two books of poetry and a children’s book. A National Endowment For The Arts Fellowship recipient, she has also received repeat individual artists grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and the Ohio Arts Council. She has taught creative writing through the Ohio Arts Council’s renowned Arts in Education program. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Connecticut College, and a Master’s from Miami University.

The deadline to apply for the Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat is Monday, September 10, 2012. For application guidelines and more information about the Retreat, visit our website.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat Leader -- Kevin Haworth

Kevin Haworth
Meet Kevin Haworth, one of two leaders of the 2012 Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat on October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio. 

Haworth is Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University, and Executive Editor, Ohio University Press & Swallow Press. He holds an M.F.A., Fiction Writing, Arizona State University and a B.A., English, Vassar College. His publications include The Discontinuity of Small Things, a novel (Quality Words in Print, 2005); Lit From Within: Contemporary Masters on the Art and Craft of Writing (co-editor w/Dinty W. Moore, Ohio University Press, 2011); as well as fiction and non-fiction in Michigan Quarterly Review, Witness, Copper Nickel, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Center, Cold Mountain Review, Swink, Harpur Palate, Juked, Sentence, Another Chicago Magazine, Permafrost, JBooks, Jewish Literary Supplement, Publishers Weekly, Jewish Education News, Poetica and elsewhere.

The deadline to apply for the Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat is Monday, September 10, 2012. For application guidelines and more information about the Retreat, visit our website.

Monday, August 20, 2012

In Your Words: Reflections on 2012 AWW

In this next installment of "In Your Words," we direct you to Wooster, Ohio's Daily Record for a column by Leslie Pearce-Keating, who writes,

I sat down in the auditorium, grabbed my new notebook, and took out a pen. I couldn't believe I was there again, at the Antioch Writer's Conference at Antioch Midwest in Yellow Springs. I'd had lunch with Melissa and Shuly, two dear friends from last year. Heide soon joined us, then Wendy, all friends from 2011. Behind me sat Mary Helen, whom I'd had class with at the Imagination Writer's Workshop in Cleveland before last year's Antioch. Seated in front was Lisa and Robin, other buddies from the writer's group some of us had formed. I'd been dreaming of being at Antioch since last July." (more...)

Did you write about your experience at the 2012 Antioch Writers' Workshop on your blog? Send us an email to let us know, and we'll link to it on ours.

Also, don't forget to check out the Antioch Writers' Workshop Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat, October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat Deadline September 10

Sometimes all it takes to jump start the creative process is a weekend away from the norm. That's why this October 5-7, the Antioch Writers' Workshop brings to you a Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat. The 2012 Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat gives you a chance to get away and focus on your work-in-progress in an inspiring yet restful setting while receiving guidance from writing and publishing professionals. 

The retreat is designed for writers who have works of fiction (short stories or novels), poetry, or essay(s)/creative nonfiction either complete or in progress and who wish to focus on revising/completing this work and identifying next steps on their writing paths. 

The retreat will be held at the beautiful, historic Grailville Retreat Center, Loveland, Ohio and will be led by publishing professionals Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo.  

To apply, email with the subject line: Fall 2012 Retreat Application. Attach the following TWO documents (please use .doc; .docx; .rtf file format): 

  1. A one-page cover letter providing your name, contact information (address, email, phone), and a paragraph or two about where you are on the writing path (what you're working on) and why you want to attend this retreat. 
  2. A writing sample: between 10 and 20 double spaced pages for nonfiction or fiction OR between 5 and 10 pages of poetry.  
You may also send your application materials to:
Antioch Writers' Workshop 
c/o Antioch University Midwest 
900 Dayton Street 
Yellow Springs, OH 45387   

No more than fifteen applicants will be selected by the Antioch Writers' Workshop Scholarship Committee. Applications will be accepted between July 25, 2012 and September 10, 2012. Applicants must be over 21 years of age. Applicants will receive a confirmation via email that application has been received within 3 business days of receipt. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 3 business days, please re-send application. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance or decline by email by September 17, 2012, midnight. 

The cost of the retreat includes two nights lodging at Grailville, all food catered by Grailville, and instruction/guidance by Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo. Transportation to and from Grailville is not included and must be arranged by participants. Of the total $450 fee,  $125 is nonrefundable; after September 30, 2012, the entire amount is nonrefundable.

For more information about the Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat, including a schedule and bios of Kevin Haworth and Lynne Hugo, visit our website.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In Your Words: Reflections on 2012 AWW

Here's what some participants, faculty, and speakers are saying about the 27th annual Antioch Writers' Workshop:

On her blog, Laura Moe's Writing Blog, Laura Moe writes about her experience at the workshop and 2012 faculty member, Les Edgerton
We go to conferences to make connections with other like-minded souls. My friends and family don't mind that I write, but they don't care about the process. Only other writers understand suffering over the word, fretting over using ‘mysterious’ vs. ‘esoteric’ in a sentence or line."

On the tumblr, The Life of Antonia, Antonia-Grazia writes,
I don’t want to get up at six o’clock in the morning, but I am unbelievably jazzed to go back tomorrow and the days after and just sink into the ocean of awesomeness that is this seminar. And the great part about it, even though most writers are introverts, and there have to be at least a hundred people attending, we can all be extroverts together. You can sit down next to whoever, you don’t have to know their name, who cares, and just say, “What kind of stuff do you write?” Instantly you’re in.

Did you write about your experience at the 2012 Antioch Writers' Workshop on your blog? Send us an email to let us know, and we'll link to it on ours.

Also, don't forget to check out the Antioch Writers' Workshop Fall Weekend Writers' Retreat, October 5-7 at the Grailville Retreat Center in Loveland, Ohio.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

In Your Words: Reflections on 2012 Antioch Writers' Workshop

It has been a month since the 27th Annual Antioch Writers' Workshop. Participants, Faculty, Speakers and Staff have written about their experiences online, and we will be bringing their take to you through our blog in a series of posts titled, "In Your Words: Reflections on 2012 AWW."

The first comes from 2012 faculty member, Les Edgerton. On his blog, Les Edgerton on Writing, Les Edgerton writes,
If you can only go to one writer’s conferences/workshops in your lifetime, this is the one I’d recommend. I’ve been to dozens and while they were all wonderful experiences, none were like this for just a pure enjoyable experience for everyone." (more...)

 Read Les Edgerton's detailed rundown of the week on his blog.

Did you write about your experience at the 2012 Antioch Writers' Workshop on your blog? Send us an email to let us know, and we'll link to it on ours.

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