Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Oct. 26 LitSalon features "Ghost hunter" author at estate used as movie setting!

Our next AWW LitSalon Fundraiser is designed perfectly for the Halloween time of year... featuring an award-winning writer whose work includes psychic topics and ghost hunting... at a gorgeous estate which served as the setting for the supernatural thriller movie, "True Nature," on October 26, 4:00-7:00 p.m.

And the cost is just $20.00 per individual/$35.00 per couple, and includes beverages (wine, beer, and non-alcoholic drinks) and appetizers. Half of the cost of the ticket is tax deductible.

Hook Estate
Our setting: Hook Estate, with hostess Beth Duke, movie producer and original founder of Dayton's 2nd Street Public Market. (Directions will be sent to paid registrants after registration closes on Oct. 21.)  The supernatural thriller was filmed at Hook Estate; one of our silent auction items will be a copy of the movie! (Trailer here.) The home is as gorgeous on the interior as on the exterior and is the perfect setting for...

John Kachuba
Our guest author: John Kachuba is the award-winning author of twelve books and numerous articles, short stories and poems. Recently awarded the Grand Prize in Gemini Magazine’s Short Story Contest, he has also been awarded the Dogwood Fiction Prize  and the Thurber Treat Prize for humor writing from The Thurber House. John teaches Creative Writing at Ohio University, Antioch University Midwest and the Gotham Writers Workshop. He is a member of the Historical Novel Society, the Horror Writers Association, and the American Library Association’s Authors for Libraries.

John frequently speaks on paranormal and metaphysical topics and is a regular speaker at conferences, universities and libraries and on podcasts, radio and TV. He has been a repeat guest on radio’s “Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory” and appeared in the Sundance Channel’s TV production, “Love/Lust – The Paranormal.” His website is and his blog is

One of John's many books
Available for sale will be copies of the books in John's popular Ghosthunting series.

Our EmCee: will be Dayton Daily News Editor Ron Rollins. His style is always entertaining and insightful; after interviewing John, he'll open up the floor to your questions!

Of course, our LitSalon events also include plenty of time for chatting and mingling, enjoying the tasty treats on offer, and perusing the fun silent auction items we'll have available.

Registration closes Oct. 21 and is limited to 24 guests, so please sign up soon! Registration link:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Prepare for NaNoWriMo with our FREE Program!

Katrina Kittle
Think you can write a novel in a month? 

NaNoWriMo thinks you can! NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, which is held November of every year, and was started by the NaNoWriMo organization. The challenge is to write a decent 50,000 word draft in just one month. Later, revise, refine, and edit your work into a polished novel. Many published novelists have started in just this way!

Still, writing a novel--even a beginning draft--in just one month seems daunting to most writers.

AWW is here to help. Our first FREE Writer's Mini-Workshop will feature author Katrina Kittle and give you the steps and tools to prepare for getting the most our of NaNoWriMo.

Join Katrina, author of award-winning novels such as "The Blessings of the Animals" and "The Kindness of Strangers" on October 12, 2:00 p.m., at Books & Co. at The Greene in Beavercreek, Ohio. She'll lead our session, "NaNoWriMo Primer."

Learn more about Antioch Writers' Workshop and all of the programs we offer at, where you can also sign up for our free eNewsletter. Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter at @AntiochWritersW.

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