Hello and welcome to the Antioch Writers' Workshop blog.
My name is Sharon Short and I'm the incoming Director of the workshop. I'm looking forward to working with a wonderful board of trustees, assistant director (Holly Hudson) and faculty.
A big thank-you to our retiring director, Laura Carlson, for kindly and thoroughly helping me transition into this new role. Laura was the workshop director from 2003 through 2008. I had the privilege of serving as faculty or speaker during several of those years, which meant I observed Laura in her role as director. Laura was a classy, calm and kind presence every year during the week of the workshop, and worked tirelessly behind the scenes the rest of the year. I know she'll bring great energy and skills to her new endeavors.
Our 24th annual workshop will be held July 11-17, 2009. Learn more about the workshop--faculty, classes, seminars, and other opportunities at our website. Or email me with questions about the workshop at sharon (at) antiochwritersworkshop.com.
Check here weekly for more Antioch Writers' Workshop (AWW) information and inspiration--everything from faculty interviews, news about AWW opportunities, where you can dine and stay in Yellow Springs, Ohio if you attend AWW, and more.