Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello and welcome to the Antioch Writers' Workshop blog.

My name is Sharon Short and I'm the incoming Director of the workshop. I'm looking forward to working with a wonderful board of trustees, assistant director (Holly Hudson) and faculty.

A big thank-you to our retiring director, Laura Carlson, for kindly and thoroughly helping me transition into this new role. Laura was the workshop director from 2003 through 2008. I had the privilege of serving as faculty or speaker during several of those years, which meant I observed Laura in her role as director. Laura was a classy, calm and kind presence every year during the week of the workshop, and worked tirelessly behind the scenes the rest of the year. I know she'll bring great energy and skills to her new endeavors.

Our 24th annual workshop will be held July 11-17, 2009. Learn more about the workshop--faculty, classes, seminars, and other opportunities at our website. Or email me with questions about the workshop at sharon (at)

Check here weekly for more Antioch Writers' Workshop (AWW) information and inspiration--everything from faculty interviews, news about AWW opportunities, where you can dine and stay in Yellow Springs, Ohio if you attend AWW, and more.

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